Synopsis of the MMN radio show with Sissy Fuss

The online interview is a follow-up after the duo’s live performance Raven’s Reprise at the Sandbox festival in September, 2021 in Budapest organised by the MŰTŐ group. Raven’s Reprise will be released soon digitally and on cassette on Stay Awake!.

Guests: George Finlay Ramsay and Rudi Zygadlo from Sissy Fuss / host: Péter Bokor (gammaw)


  1. Sissy Fuss – ‘Pale moon melts’ (Curl Compilation 2, Curl, January 2021)
  2. Sissy Fuss – ‘Raven’s Reprise’ snippet (Raven’s Reprise / Bad Rhythm, Stay Awake!, December 2021)
  3. Sissy Fuss – ‘Deep Sea Diving with Mum’ (Raven’s Reprise / Bad Rhythm, Stay Awake!, December 2021)
  4. Rudi Zygadlo – Athens Love Boat (single, November 2021)
  5. Sissy Fuss – ‘S Muladach Mo Cheòl’ (Raven’s Reprise / Bad Rhythm, Stay Awake!, December 2021)

Episode archive (first airing: on November 23rd, 2021, at 6PM CET)

Further links & topics mentioned in the episode

Sissy Fuss videos and early collaboration

Doggerland show on Clyde Built Radio

Clyde Built Radio · Doggerland w/ Rudi Zygadlo (29/8/2021)

Rudi Zygadlo videos

How to make Bigos

Further references

The Argonauts, book by Maggie Nelson, published in 2015.

More MMN radio: